No Shows In Interviews

From recruiter’s point of view, it have been observed that there are many no-shows in the scheduled interview. There are multiple reasons observed, some of them are really silly and display casual attitude of the interviewee, some are really serious, some could be avoided before scheduling interviews. Also some could be avoided with proper communication with the interviewee and recruiter and interviewer.

No-shows in interview means “ An interview is scheduled after discussing with candidate and interviewer, interviewer is waiting for the interview but the candidate does not show up for the interview”. It have been observed that there are multiple no-shows irrespective of the field, domain, experience, location.

Let us see some “WHY” for no-shows at the interview. We are listing common reasons given by the candidates. We are also listing how to avoid the scenario.

  • Travel issue like traffic, vehicle problem – get other vehicle, go late for the interview than no-show. Consider there is traffic at the time for going for a movie, or your vehicle breaks down at that time, you will find another option for reaching to your destination. Attending the interview is exactly same scenario. You need to reach the destination with some or other vehicle.
  • Health issue on the same day of candidate or health issue of family member – It depends on the severity of the health issue. If the issue is very serious, then you must have visited the hospital, and you must have some kind of proof to prove the no-show for the interview. Please present the same to the respective person and schedule the interview later. In case health issue is not serious, then are you trying to avoid the interview? In non-serious health issue, if you attend the interview, it might be possible that you will not be able to answer correctly. But it will display that you are serious about your job and your career. That sincerity might give you the job.
  •  Out of station – No one goes out of station suddenly. This reason means that you have not planned your interview properly. And casual approach is displayed. In case of emergency, interview needs to be rescheduled properly after communicating. So this reason is silly and no one would believe you with this kind of reason if not communicated with.
  • Got other opportunity – This is quite possible, but needs to be communicated properly before scheduling the interview. But what is someone got other opportunity and still attends the scheduled interview. The candidate have two options to choose from. So even according to me this reason would be silly and unprofessional.
  • Location problem – This could be told before scheduling the interview. Normally interview is scheduled after the proper discussion with the candidate. At that time itself, the locations or sub locations could be properly communicated with the recruiters.
  • No communication with Recruiter – stop responding to the calls. This is the most unprofessional behavior. In some way or other, you should communicate properly about your reason for no-show at the interview.


Self confidence, self doubt and approach towards getting the interview calls is the only reason from my point of view for the no-shows at the interviews.
In short, do not skip any interview at any cost. There are multiple benefits of attending interview, which are as follows.
1) One door has been opened for you towards your career development. If a scheduled interview is not attended then this opportunity is lost. There are multiple people who are waiting for the opportunity and someone else will grab this opportunity.
2) More interaction with interviewer – In case of some genuine reasons for not attending the interview, have a word with interviewer and try to reschedule the interview. But if not rescheduled, do attend the interview.
3) More the number of interviews, more the confidence. Interviewers are asking different questions in each interview. So after each interview, candidate needs to review about the interview and get prepared for the questions which are unanswered during the interview. Also it is always good to list down all the interview questions asked during the interview, it helps to get prepared for the next interview.
4) Interview at Office premise – After visiting the office premise, you get to know more about the actual opportunity and who are the people, we will be working with.
5) New location, new experience – When you are visiting new location, you face new experiences. Learning from observation is very important.
6) Understand reality about the competition – Candidate will understand the reality about the competition for the role for which the candidate is getting interviewed.

To do before scheduling interviews
1) Get a diary and note down the details of the interview
2) Note down the company name, date, time, location
3) Note down the role for which you are being interviewed
4) Maintain a calendar for all the interview schedules so that no interview is missed, also there is no clash for the two interview timings
5) Prepare technically, non-technically and attend interview with neatly dressed
6) Try to understand what the company is into and what will be your role
7) List down possible questions as much as possible

Remember that any interview is great opportunity for you, so never ever skip any interview.

Often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

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